Trauma survivor turned
Self-Love + Confidence Coach | NLP Master Practitioner
I empower women to cultivate unstoppable confidence, break unhealthy patterns and build the dream life they want by loving themselves first đź’ž

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~ Beb

I was going through an extremely tough time in my life. I had a failed adoption, my marriage was over, and I hated my job. Basically, the life I had known was falling apart and I had no clue where to start to fix it. Char started to become my cheerleader, my champion. She’s the reason I started to look at what I wanted in life, what was important to me. She helped me ask myself the hard questions. When I asked these questions and had difficulty facing the answers or didn’t want to continue trying, she was my support system. I was able to be vulnerable with Char because I never felt judged by my past mistakes. Her positivity is infectious. I always had self doubt, would self sabotage and speak negatively about myself. I had all this doubt in myself and my abilities because I didn’t think I deserved it. When Char believed in me and I believed in myself, I was able to take charge of my life and do things for myself. I realized I could be my authentic self and not everyone may love it, but I loved it and I loved me more so that’s what was most important. It has been a long journey to get to this point in my life but to look back at where l came from to where I am now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have to thank Char for her positivity, honesty, openness, and helping me figure out what I wanted in life and being accountable to myself. She is a huge reason why I am the person I am today and I’m so thankful for that.

~ Alanna W.

In my career, Char has pushed me to grow beyond my comfort zone and take on positions and responsibilities that I didn't think would ever be in my line of sight. Professionally and personally she has helped me reframe challenges that I've come up against and helped me strategize how to, confidently, move forward. She is always incredibly honest and I have always felt like she considers who I am as an individual and that I'm not just getting stock advice and direction. I have always been a person who goes with the flow and I have never felt ready to challenge someone when they say something that goes against my idea of what's right. Char has helped me understand why I retreat and how I can counter someone in a respectful, yet powerful and empowered way. 

~ Tony M.

I worked with Char for the past year as I struggled to find the next step in my career while starting a family. Char was amazing. She helped me clarify my goals, navigate the complex web of feelings and thoughts I was having and helped me to find balance in my life throughout the process. I am a more confident and fulfilled individual today as a result of Char’s coaching.


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